The abbey of Bakonybél was particularly prestigious because it was founded during the reign of King St Stephen I, and was thus one of the six earliest Benedictine men's monasteries in the Kingdom of Hungary. It is surprising that despite its outstanding significance, little was known about the remains of the monastery until recently. Although valuable finds from the early 20th century and stone walls identified in 2010 confirmed that the medieval monastery was located somewhere below or next to the building that still stands today, the exact location of the medieval complex was not known. The breakthrough came with the 2022-2023 research. At last, clearly recognizable details of the monastery's cloister corridor and the wings of the building surrounding the corridors from the outside came to light. Taking into account the characteristics of the monastic architecture of the period, as well as the results of geophysical research and previous excavations, a roughly laid-out plan of the medieval monastery could be drawn.